Tinkering path (2): Writing Assignment

Write a letter to yourself at a certain age. Is there anything specific you would tell yourself? Is there anything you know no

Tinkering Path (1): Design Assignment

Design Assignment  Using adobe photoshop or comporable, create a poster for something that interest you. Include multiple pic

Final Reflection

During the course, I was able to connect thoroughly with personal life issues I face on a day to day basis. I would probably s

Soliya Reflection

During Ramadan, I’ve been participating in Soliya dialogue in Connect Express which was a very interesting experience for me

Final Game reflection

Link to the game: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fd-DFgq59RZT5ijbcwSmR6d1jnn9aRedbwW4FrA8_0Q/edit?usp=sharing “Ever

Coded biases reflection

I found the documentary very interesting since it touched upon things that hasn’t been in my mind or working conscious. Ther

Final Reflection : reflecting on the course

A. This course made me realize a lot of stuff that I’m sure will help me in several aspects of my life. First of all, it is

Privacy#2: Coded Bias

I watched the 2020 documentary “Coded Bias” which you can find on Netflix. A crucial point the documentary showcased is th

Privacy #1: Exploring the Data Detox Kit

I explored the Data Detox Kit which you can find here: https://datadetoxkit.org/en/home Reflecting on the the Data Detox Kit;

Final Reflection: Tools reflection

This semester, I’ve been exposed to a variety of tools for a lot of different reasons. Some of them I loved and would probab
