Phase 3 & 4 of Digital Narrative Game… PHASE 3Working in a group of three, Marianna, Jana and I, decided collectively to

Judgment Day

Picture this: you are given a list of character attributes that you poss in order of quantity. How would you react? I certainl


It’s interesting to me how this course encompass every meaning of the words community learning. Intellectually I’ve learnt

Final Day Playing Teacher

A day I will forever remember… Like anytime, all three of my group members began the process planning our school visit lesso


Part 1: Course Reflection This course surprised me in many ways. From the theoretical knowledge to the technical skills that w

Equity Unbound

Digital Literacies Pathway The above image presents my ‘Digital Confidence Profile’. Reflection: The differences between d

Connect Express

SOLIYA REFLECTION PAPER I would describe Soliya as the first time I was deliberately placed in a cross-cultural environment. I

Game Night

The following are reflections of the ‘Digital Narrative Games’ played in class… SPENT: This game definitely immerses you

Jogging the mind …

Walking to the plot as a class – where we grow our own vegetables on campus – we were asked by our professor a few reflect

Playing Teacher

October. It’s my birthday month. The month when I’m clearly reminded of my past, present, and future. You see, October has
