Wellness gift basket assignment CORE 2096
Prepare a “wellness gift” package to give to a friend. You will work on this for several weeks, culminating in one digital product describing the gift basket and its contents.
This gift basket or package must include:
- At least two physical objects (e.g. a candle)
- At least two “sights” and/or “sounds” of wellness (e.g. a photo you took or a recording of sound you enjoy or a specific piece of music)
- At least one thing that focuses on smell and/or taste
- At least one inspirational quote you like, in any language
- At least one mental “practice” that helps your wellbeing e.g. meditation or gratitude journaling
- At least one physical “practice” that helps your wellbeing e.g. yoga or walking
- Something that delighted you recently that telling others about might either cheer them up, or help them
- At least one social activity that promotes wellbeing
- At least one digital thing (e.g. a YouTube channel, a website) that helps with your wellbeing
Additional instructions:
- A total of 5-10 things overall
- One item may cover several criteria. E.g. baking cinnamon cookies is a physical practice, and produces something that is a physical object whose smell and taste can promote your own wellbeing
- Places to try for inspiration include this Tiny Buddha site and 7 Types of Rest and Gratitude Journaling
Discuss in class (interview each other) and put it all together in a blog post. To describe all the items in your gift basket, you can create a video, infographic, podcast or any other creative representation of each item and why you recommend it, why you chose it, and for whom you think it might promote wellbeing.
I describe the activity in this video I recorded for a conference:
Header Photo by Freddie Collins on Unsplash