Final Reflection

Identity was the highlight of the semester honestly. Never thought that I would be inspired by the conversations we had in cla

Body Image Book Cover Design

This is a cover for a book that I made which talks about Body Image and how it effects us physically and psychologically.

2 sessions of Soliya!

It was my first time to hear about Soliya. I read about it before the sessions started but I didn’t realized how its ben

Design Assignment

So this design to make up my late assignments, I was asked to choose between several type of assignments but I chose the desig


This is the second draft of my game:

My game

This link is my game, I’m still working on it.

Connected, but alone?

I changed the idea of my game into something else. It’s basically getting the player a glimpse of how much he places soc

Topic Introduction engageMOOC

I read this article: I ho

Prototype Digital Narrative Game

First I was thinking of something deep like injustice or discrimination. Then I decided that I want to do something light on t

Digital Narrative Games

I played 6 games which are Spent, Sleep deprived mom game, Responsible Partying, Sweet Sweepers, Orphanage and
