Final Reflection Part 1: Reflecting on the Course

This is a flyer for the course but it’s very brief, so the details are below it in a paragraph. Thank you Dr. for a lovely c

Final Reflection Part 2: Tools for Learning

1- Special tech and furniture of the class The environment of the class was extremely special because of the class setting and

Reflective Blogpost on Digital Literacy Pathway

To sum up this assignment, I enjoyed practicing all what we’ve been discussing for the semester in one encapsulated piece of

Digital Literacy Pathway Step 3

Twisting Paths- combining different paths I will be doing the 3rd option because I don’t want to read any articles 😁 1- T

Digital Literacy Pathway Steps 1&2

Step 1 Step 2 Reflect on this article on the differences between digital literacies and digital skills and where you have stre

Soliya Reflection

In today’s globally connected world, the capacity to communicate effectively across cultural differences is a key skill that

Final School Visit Reflection

1- My group and I had planned to do multiple things with the students. Before starting, we brought up the picture that we use

Phase 4- Digital Narrative Game, Come Join and Play! Hello guys, the link above is for the game Karim and I created to raise awareness on the a

Phase 3 our Digital Narrative Game

Game on Smoking and Awareness: Farah and Karim  Scenario number 1: Peer Pressure  You are at a party where most of your frie

Reflection on School Visit 2

My group and I had planned to teach the students about fake news by watching Trump’s video of Mecca, playing Sucrose, and pl
