Final Reflection

This is the link to my final reflection: Advertisements

DS 106 Creative Assignment

Fan Fiction Picture Assignment: Take the name or title of your favorite band, song, movie, or tv show and display it in t


Fadila, Mohamed and I, worked together to create a podcast under the title of “AUC: Learning Beyond the Classroom”

Soliya Final Submissions

1) Soliya Final Paper: Freedom of Speech and Expression Everyone in the world is entitled to an opinion, and everyone should h

Social Media & the Revolution

Reading 1: The Reasons Social Media Contributed To The 2011 Egyptian Revolution

The Soliya Experience: Week 3 (Nov 7)

Going in to this session I had really high expectations after last week’s really engaging discussion. Unfortunately, thi

The Soliya Experience: Week 2 (Oct 31)

The second Soliya session had fewer members than the first; this time we were only five members and the facilitator but our gr

Intercultural Communication Readings for Soliya

Stumbling Blocks in Intercultural Communication by Laray M. Barna With the increasing movement towards globalization and the r

The Soliya Experience: Week 1 (Oct 24)

As I was logging on to the Soliya platform five minutes before the session, I had lots of questions and thoughts rushing throu

Digital Narrative Game – Draft 1

Research Methodology:  Mohamed and I talked to 10 girls and women from AUC about the comments they’d hear from pare
