An AUC Core curriculum course
CLASS FURNITURE: The classroom furniture was perhaps the most comfortable, relaxing, and cozy I have ever experienced at unive
step 1 step 2 Reflecting on the article “Knowing the Difference Between Digital Skills and Digital Literacies, and Teaching
“Bad human communication leaves us less room to grow”. This quote by Rowan D. Williams makes me think about how misunderst
OVERALL REFLECTION: This journey was incredible for me. I picked up communication skills with students of various ages, learne Farah and I have come out with a game in which we created it on Google Forms where you fac
Game on Smoking and Awareness: Farah and Karim Scenario number 1: Peer Pressure You are at a party where most of your frie
Before our second visit to Ramy Helal School, our group planned to kick off the day with a game of Sucrose to energize and exc