Final Reflection Part 2

Tool #1: Google Docs:    I have been using Google Docs since I was in school, so it’s a tool tools I am familiar with. I

Final Reflection: Part 1

Do you always take courses you regret registering in? Are they too demanding? Do they mess up your declaration GPA? I present

Development of my Digital Literacies

My digital literacies developed in this course through the material we took. We got to learn in different ways, like not all c

Digital Literacies Pathway

For my digital literacies’ pathway, I took a very long time choosing which path to take, whether its tinkering, taught, theo

Digital Confidence Profile

To be able to set my digital literacies goals and learn how to develop them, I took the digital confidence profile. Because we

Reflection on Game

Link to our final game:

Reflection on Soliya

For the past month I have been attending my weekly Soliya sessions, and I can safely say that I enjoyed and learned from them

Our game -Parents vs controversial topics

This is the link to our game 🙂

Our game -Parents vs controversial topics

This is the link to our game 🙂

Digital Narrative Game- First Draft, Parenting
