Check out my final reflection on the course! Hope you like it! Advertisements

Soliya Final Reflection

When I was asked to write a reflection paper on the Soliya experience, I honestly had mixed feelings. On one hand, I remembere

SDGs and Citizenship

One of the things that really interest me and push me to read more and more in the field that I love the most, which is human

Exploring Digital Literacies

Digital confidence Profile: The digital confidence profile was actually pretty good. I thought it gave me an opportunity to kn

Reflection on Soliya’s First Two Sessions

When we were first assigned to participate in Soliya, I thought that I will really enjoy it and wait for it every week, but un


I think the article was a great one especially because I’ve always been interested in women rights. Although I am intere

Flipping the Script Reflection and Example

I heard this podcast while doing some work that had to be done emergently, but I really loved it! It showed me how words and a

Digital Narrative Game: Child Marriage (2nd Draft)

Here’s a link to my second draft of the Child Marriage game. Most of the scenarios are done, but the game still needs wo

Digital Narrative Game: Child Marriage (1st Draft)

Here’s a link to the first draft of my digital narrative game. It needs so much more work to be done to improve it and I

Digital Narrative Game Prototype

Getting straight to the point… I want to create my digital narrative game to be something that can cause people to chan
