Final Reflection on The Course

when I registered for this course, I did not expect much I just wished that it would not be as hard as the other core courses

Self Development: Third Reflection

For my self development assignment, I chose the gratitude journal and I reflected on my experience after using it for a month

Digital Literacies Pathway: Final Reflection on all the tinkering path Assignments

After creating my digital confidence profile, I found out that I am comfortable and confident in most areas except for creativ

Digital Literacy: Tinkering path (Video Assignment)

This Video assignment is called Animal Dance Off and the goal is Find any song and mash up a video of some animals dancing.  

Digital Literacy: Tinkering path (Audio Assignment)

The title of this assignment is spooky season and the aim is to find some spooky sounds and create a scary audio clip. This is

Digital Literacies Pathway: Reflection on Digital Confidence Profile and the Article “Knowing the Difference Between Digital Skills and Digital Literacies, and Teaching Both”

After reading the Article “Knowing the Difference Between Digital Skills and Digital Literacies, and Teaching Both” that i

Digital Literacy: Tinkering path (Visual Assignment)

The aim of this assignment is to Create a poster warning people of some sort of danger. It can be a danger that isn’t ever p

Digital Literacy: Tinkering path (Writing Assignment)

For this assignment, I will be writing a letter to my future self in 10 years and describe how I Imagine my life will be after

Digital Narrative Game: Final Draft (Live with my Anxiety for a Day)

Image by ElisaRiva from Pixabay: Nora Abdelwahab & Rawan M. Ibrahim, May 10th. 2021

Final Project Paper

The Connect Express program was a unique experience for me, it allowed me to experience a lot of new things that I would not h
