The first article I read was about how MOOC video production affects students engagement, and the content in this article is in fact true as of experience, to illustrate, that Khan-styled videos are more engaging than regular slides and that shorter videos are more stimulating than longer ones, along with other factors that affect engagement. The second article was about the importance of technological education as the internet is full of scammers who deceive some people with fake news, images, videos and other scams, and the most vulnerable people are the ones who are new to such technology, as the author mentions them as the homeless, they still chop wood and carry water. A very insightful quote I found in the article, was that the author claimed that ” life is not promised, boredom is a luxury in this world. The article contains other sayings that stimulates you to think. Lastly, The last article I read was about literacy and how the regular checklist approaches have failed information literacy.

My name is Osama Ibrahim, I am an accounting major although I dont like accounting, I would of rather studied Finance If I was given the chance, I live in 6th of October City which is really fR from the university, so I hope that I finish my time here as soon as possible. I do not talk alot, either inside or outside the class, I am a calm person but this does not mean that I sit not knowing whats happening around me, people around me believe I am smart but I want to believe that as much as they do; however, give me a task and I will definitely finish it no matter the cost. I do have different hobbies like sportbike riding, billiard, working out and many other interests. 

My name is Osama Ibrahim, I am an accounting major although I dont like accounting, I would of rather studied …

osamaismael 2018-02-08 08:40:35

My name is Osama Ibrahim, I am an accounting major although I dont like accounting, I would of rather studied …
