Tools Reflection

Across the semester, we explored several tools, whether for communication or assignments, and most of them were unfamiliar to

Final Reflection

This is the point at which we part ways. Before I begin giving my thoughts on this course, I would like to thank Dr. Maha for

Tinkering Path Assignment 6

For my last tinkering assignment, I decided to go creative. I chose one task from the “design assignments” category: creat

Tinkering Path Assignment 5

“Name This Flower” is my 5th tinkering path assignment. It is available in the visual assignments domain. I found this ass

Tinkering Path Assignment 5

“Name This Flower” is my 5th tinkering path assignment. It is available in the visual assignments domain. I found this ass

Tinkering Path Assignment 5

“Name This Flower” is my 5th tinkering path assignment. It is available in the visual assignments domain. I found this ass

Tinkering Path Assignment 4

This is my first assignment from the “videos assignments” category. I chose an exciting one entitled “It’s Vacation Ti

Tinkering Path Assignment 3

I chose the “Colorize It” assignment from the visual assignments category for my third tinkering path assignment. It was r

Tinkering Path Assignment 3

I chose the “Colorize It” assignment from the visual assignments category for my third tinkering path assignment. It was r

Tinkering Path Assignment 3

I chose the “Colorize It” assignment from the visual assignments category for my third tinkering path assignment. It was r
