The very last reflection.. *sob*

1. What I learned in this course (whether you gained knowledge, skills or attitudes), and what specifically helped me learn it

My grant to CORE2096 (contribution)

The material in this course are seriously assets that I will forever keep, thats one of the main reasons my blog posts are so


commented on: Catphishers Multiple Digital Identities wrote: The influencers influence


For my curation assignment, I decided to blog about the one and only, Sherif Fayed, the renowned TV Host, viner, actor and mod

Do Not Track

I chose Like Mining video on the Do Not Track website, as it seemed the most appealing to me. The video discusses how our like

DS 106 Creative Assignment

Fan Fiction Picture: Take the name or title of your favorite band, song, movie, or tv show and display it in the form of photo

My 4-week virtual cultural experience (Soliya)

Soliya is a virtual social platform that involves the interaction of people all over the world through a video conference. It


Alia El Kadry and I have designed a game called peer-destruction which puts the player in the place of either an over or an un

Information Equity and Digital Redlining

Information Equity “Access to accurate, useful information is central to everything we do. Thanks in part to the interne

Game prototype

Together with Alia ElKadry, we will design a game that raises awareness to body shaming. Whether being too skinny or overweigh
