Final reflection

This course was really insightful, interesting, and full of knowledge. Actually, I learned skills, and knowledge through many

Taught Pathway ( Presentation skills )

The second module I decided to take was the presentation skills as I really like this topic. It was nice too learn about this

Taught Pathway

I chose the taught pathway for this assignment and I really enjoyed it. My first module I chose was the online identity. the m

My digital profile

While developing my digital profile, I found that ( competent ) is the answer for all the questions as actually I am not skill

Final game draft My game is featuring the

Ethical Balancing by Anne-Marie “Compensation for a Soliya session”

I attended this session which I really liked its topic as the main discussion was about governing the ethical dimensions of th


Learning online gave us the opportunity to deal with different learning tools. These tools helped us to be more connected even

Soliya reflection

Connect Express provided me with a very valuable experience, as I liked how we were connected with people from different cultu

Game’s first draft Here is the link of my gam

A Techno ethics Primer

I liked the talk very much and how it really linked technology and ethics and I knew about the privacy issues in the digital s
