Final Course Reflection

Looking back at this semester, I can confidently say that this course is the one I’ve enjoyed and learned from the most. In

Digital Narrative Games Final Draft and Reflection

Over the past month Halla Waleed and I have been working on our digital narrative game, The Grey Zone of Going Green, and it i

Self Development Reflection #3

During the last two weeks I managed to be consistent with my gratitude log! I first made a page for it in my journal (inserted

Soliya Reflection

To reflect on my experience in this program I will answer the following prompt questions: Question 1: How does the dialogue in

Digital Literacies: Final Reflection

For my digital literacies pathway I chose the Tinkering path where I had to complete six different mini-assignments from the D

Digital Literacies: Tinkering Assignment 6

I didn’t know what to do for my last assignment and I kept searching on the website, until I came across something that caug

Digital Literacies: Tinkering Assignment 5

For my fifth assignment, I made a GIF of the weather. Here’s the link of the assignment, and here’s the GIF I made! 😊 I

Digital Literacies: Tinkering Assignment 4

For my fourth assignment I chose to do my dream vacation board on Pinterest. I always heard about this platform as well but ne

Digital Literacies: Tinkering Assignment 3

The third assignment I chose was “Pop Star Out of Place” because I found it to be interesting and fun; I had to choose a p

Digital Literacies: Tinkering Assignment 2

For my second assignment, I chose to create a motivational poster. You can view the assignment here. I have a photography blog
