Games Reflection

Reflecting on games is quite an enjoyable task. Growing up, and still up till this day, playing games whether online or on my

Connected, but alone?

I changed the idea of my game into something else. It’s basically getting the player a glimpse of how much he places soc


I still haven’t finished but i’ll post the progress till know. corrections will be made though. https://docs.googl

Survival Gender Game   This is

a draft of my game this is a google doc form, i choose to do my

Illiteracy Game! Advertisements

Designing a narrative game

First, moment of silence and appreciation for all the game designers out there. You people are heroes. Here’s the link t

Digital Narrative Game

Put yourself in the shoes of a Single Mother in an Arab society Advertisements

Digital Narrative Game: Child Marriage (1st Draft)

Here’s a link to the first draft of my digital narrative game. It needs so much more work to be done to improve it and I

First draft of “watered” digital narrative game Advertiseme
