Six Second Art

Pixabay License, Find the Activity Here!This last assig

Draw It.

Find the Activity Here!This assignment challenged me to get a photo and edit it to look like a drawing. So, I chose a picture

Draw It.

Find the Activity Here!This assignment challenged me to get a photo and edit it to look like a drawing. So, I chose a picture

The Way It Should Have Been

Pixabay License, Find the Activity Here!This assi

5 Second Ending

Pixabay License, Find the Activity HereThis ass

5 Second Ending

Pixabay License, Find the Activity HereThis ass

DS106 Reacts

This is a picture of my cat, Pepper, taken by me Find the Activity Here!This assignment (from the animated gif section) chal

Snapshot of a Story

"Harold Gaze, 'Eros and Psyche'" by sofi01 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0,

Digital Literacies Pathway: Choose Your Own Adventure

Skills vs Literacy Article Reflection With regard to the article, I think it brings up a lot of good and undiscussed points.

Digital Literacies Pathway: Choose Your Own Adventure

Skills vs Literacy Article Reflection With regard to the article, I think it brings up a lot of good and undiscussed points.
