Reflection on “Feminism”

While watching this video, I felt that we can now point out a problem or more of a misconception in many different cultures, w


While watching the video about feminism I couldn’t agree more with them. Most people mistaken the meaning of feminism, and I


Model Minority The video caught my attention from its title. Model minority is an issue that Asian-Americans still face till n

What I Hear When You Say “Who Are You?” I watched the video called “What are you” about identity and social

Monday Class Reflection

In the online zoom class that was conducted on Monday the 27th of September, a lot of important controversial topics were dis

The Problem of Othering: Towards Inclusiveness and Belonging 

John a. powell and Stephen Menendian Othering is a very interesting topic and certainly the reading had a lot that stood out.


As I read the article entitled “The problem of Othering: Towards Inclusiveness and Belonging” written by John A. Powell an


As I was reading the article the concept of Segregation vs Secessionism stood out to me. The idea that both concepts result in

“Othering & Belonging Article”

In the article titled “The Problem of Othering: Towards Inclusiveness and Belonging”, one of the most prominent issues tha

The Problem of Othering: Towards Inclusiveness and Belonging

John A. Powell and Stephen Menendian The first thing that really caught my attention in this article is how it firstly explain
