IAT Test

Hello! I’ve taken the IAT test (Implicit Association Test) after having heard about it during one of my classes and I wanted

Reflection on CLT Symposium AI Panel

This video discussed what AI is and what it means for the panelists. There are five panelists: Adam Talib, Sherif Aly, Miche

Active Learning Meets Productive Failure

I wish I had a lot of good things to say about this talk, but sadly that wasn’t the case. I’m not saying it wasn’t good,

“Active Learning Meets Productive Failure”

Manu Kapur The world of education is constantly evolving, with new ideas and methodologies being introduced to improve learnin

“Active Learning Meets Productive Failure”

Manu Kapur Manu Kapur’s keynote on “Active Learning Meets Productive Failure” presents an innovative approach to educati

Keynote by Manu Kapur: “Active Learning Meets Productive Failure” Reflection

On Thursday, March 9, 2023, I attended an online keynote presented by Manu Kapur, where he discusses how a great way for stude

CLT Reflection

“Reviving the Spark: Energizing and Motivating Students to Learn in Uncertain Times” By Sarah Rose Cavanagh I had the oppo

Active Learning Meets Productive Failure

Active Learning Meets Productive Failure highlighted a very important aspect of human nature that captured my attention. Profe

“The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Teaching and Learning”

Last Wednesday, March 8th I attended a faculty panel at AUC “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Teaching and Learning

Playing games is not this funny!

Well, after playing games (whose goal is not entertainment as educational content) on my phone and computer, I discovered how
