Digital Narrative Games Spent Click here to play… Spent is a web-based game McKinney for Urban Ministries of Durham created,

Narrative Games Part 1: Reflection

Game List: Spent BBC Syrian Refugees Depression Quest September 7th, 2020 “Fake it to make it” Street Sweepers (Fadila, 20

Part 1: Digital Narrative Games

Spent  ( I played the game 2 times with 2 different strategies. The first time I chose the highest payi

Episode 2: The one when she realized that the games ended

All these games that I played showcases a reality and image that I don’t even know I would have been doing. The first game I


Games Reflection: 1.( )  liked how Spent showed the tough choices people in poverty face, making it eas

Think before Sink

Digital games: Spent: First time I played it I got notes on a library PC. When I tried to access it again, the screen was off.

The privilege walk exercise reflection

The purpose of the Privilege Walk exercise is to help students in identifying and considering the different kinds of privilege

Wear My Shoes, and You’ll Understand

Reflecting on Digital Narrative Games Spent  After playing this game, I feel heavy-hearted and emotiona


I’m just testing I hope it works now and is fixed and everyone can use it If you see this, go ahead and post your assign

Get to know me

Welcome – write here (read instructions then delete all this text to start writing) Write from the heart. Write for your rea
